Create your QR Code

Generate your own QR Code in just a few steps. Customize it to your liking and share it anywhere.

Create a QR Code

Your QR Code will be generated instantly. You can customize it further in the next step.

Why use QR Codes?

Easy Access

QR Codes provide a quick and easy way to access websites or information.


Customize your QR Code with colors, logos, and more to match your brand.


Track the usage of your QR Code and gain valuable insights.

global paying customers

links & QR Codes created monthly

connections (clicks & scans) monthly


app integrations

What SnapshortURL customers are saying

Our goal was to implement a system that would not interrupt the gameplay experience when a new update was announced, and we found QR Codes to be the perfect answer.

Juan Zacarias – Game Product Manager, Motive Studios EA

Another testimonial quote

Another author

Yet another testimonial quote

Yet Another Author

Frequently asked questions

What is a URL shortener?

A URL shortener is a tool that creates a short, unique URL that will redirect to the specified webpage when accessed.

What is a custom URL shortener?

A custom URL shortener allows you to brand your short links with your chosen domain name, providing a consistent identity for your links.

What is a QR Code?

A QR Code is a two-dimensional barcode that can be scanned using a smartphone camera to quickly access a webpage or app.

What is a Link-in-bio?

A Link-in-bio is a single link that directs followers to a curated page with multiple links, often used on social media profiles.

Why choose SnapshortURL?

SnapshortURL offers robust link management features, detailed analytics, and a wide range of integrations, making it a top choice for businesses and individuals.

Beyond just a free URL shortening service